JULY 2024

ISSUE 9 | JULY 2024
Half abecedarian for an ESOL class | Sayantani Roy
So what if I were... Continue reading→
Morning Attire & Suffering and Echo | Todd Dillard
I clamp the helmet to... Continue reading→
Black Annis | Bex Hainsworth
Not a witch, but a... Continue reading→
I’d Be the Fish & Living the Dream | John Hennessy
What would satisfy, he asks,... Continue reading→
The Last Leaf & Postpartum | Bethany Jarmul
I’m hiding from my kids,... Continue reading→
The Wholeness of Broken Things & What Hungers Do We Shed? | Nwodo Divine
This debris catches the afternoon... Continue reading→
The Folly of a Thoughtful Amnesiac & Hear Me Roar | Chelsea Logan
Pete and Repeat were on... Continue reading→
After the reception & The Tranquility of Tin Openers | Christian Ward
After the reception, everything was... Continue reading→
South Temple Pedestrian Underpass | Jamie L. Smith
Some griefs bless us that... Continue reading→
Featured Story: "Feeding Time" from Already Gone: 40 Stories of Running Away
FEATURED STORY: Feeding Time | Jen Soong
The moon is half-full and you are packing the only suitcase you own. Well, it’s your ma’s but she doesn’t know. The exterior is robin’s-egg blue with a hard shell and hairline white cracks zigzagging like lightning. Your neck cranes toward the soft blue interior pockets and you inhale cedar mothballs. You remember near the... Continue reading→
Very Good Dog | Zach Powers
We were in Washington DC, in the final few days... Continue reading→
On Dressing Well | K. Malwatte
She learns about the dinner party the day before they... Continue reading→
Healing & Fissures | Madeline Anthes
My son is forcing me to do aquatic therapy and... Continue reading→
Fresh Catch | Laura Eppinger
In the quaint shore town we all know, with its... Continue reading→
The In Between | Nikoletta Gjoni
Audrey knew it was fucked up to be both scared... Continue reading→
MITHAI | Malavika Praseed
After James Thurber Gupta the chocolatier. White hat and apron,... Continue reading→
Featured Interview with John Vercher
Interview With John Vercher
Hannah Grieco, editor-in-chief of the ASP Bulletin, interviews author John Vercher about his new novel Devil is Fine, from Celadon Books. I was introduced to John Vercher’s writing in my MFA program at Randolph College, where I also received the enormous gift of his mentorship. His novels are visceral, immediate, and profoundly honest. They’re generous... Continue reading→

Devil is Fine is out now!
Mandatory Reporter | Beth Konkoski
I am silent under the October stars. A boy has... Continue reading→
Shadowboxing | Kirsti MacKenzie
Weigh-in When I started I was romantic about it. Everyone... Continue reading→
Bad Boundaries | Suzanne Clores
When I was younger, I hunted men who yearned for... Continue reading→
Memories of Padma | Sayantani Roy
The summer grandfather lies on his deathbed, my uncle takes... Continue reading→
Friends Forever | Jane Won
“What’s the big deal? Just go knock on her door... Continue reading→
Hillbilly Hot Tub | Emily Marinelli
Excerpt from Comfort Sequels: The Psychology of Movie Sequels from... Continue reading→
Featured Book Review
BOOK REVIEW: Honeymoons in Temporary Locations
Ashley Shelby’s new collection, Honeymoons in Temporary Locations, eases the reader in through the retelling of a Melville story that was formerly about slavery and revolution. In Shelby’s re-imagining, the captives on the arctic boat are polar bears, and the expeditions that have come before the one we observe have been beset by madness -... Continue reading→

Going Up?

About the Artist
Ronald Walker grew up in Southern California and went to college in the midwest where he completed a MA, as well as a MFA degree in painting. He recently retired from teaching art and now focuses on it completely.